Keyvan Rastegar is Gerald Hörhan’s guest to discuss topics like the FlexCo and labor

May 5, 2024

Keyvan Rastegar was recently a guest in Gerald Hörhan’s studio to discuss current developments in Austrian law and the labor market in two YouTube videos.

The video “Does the new FlexCo make sense for me as an entrepreneur?” (German) is about the new structuring options the FlexCo provides and what it means for entrepreneurs in general and especially in the real estate sector. In the half hour, Keyvan Rastegar explains the innovations and gives practical tips on how to make the most out of your FlexCo.

The second video “Will working from home cost us our prosperity?” (German) deals with the factor “labor” and new developments in the labor market. Specifically, it looks at trends towards flexible working hours, part-time work and work-life balance as well as new working models, attitudes and the topic of full-time work in Austria. In the video, Keyvan Rastegar and Gerald Hörhan try to provide solutions based on their experiences and give an outlook on how the labor market could develop in the future.

Gerald Hörhan is a long-standing client of RPCK and known as “Investmentpunk” for his contribution to financial literacy through his books (most recently: Der Einzimmer-Millionär), the Investmentpunk Academy and his Dealmaking Masterclasses (DMMC).

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