JUVE Banking & Finance Ranking 2021: RPCK Rises in the Ranks

April 14, 2021

The law journal JUVE, which annually recognizes the most renowned law firms in German-speaking countries, listed RPCK in their Banking & Finance ranking for the seventh time in a row. This year, the firm’s experience in the innovative impact investing field was the main reasons for its promotion to a higher tier.

According to JUVE, “hardly any other law firm in Austria is as experienced in sustainable finance.” While ESG criteria are only now becoming increasingly relevant, the team led by Dr. Keyvan Rastegar and Chintan Panchal has advised on social impact financing for more than a decade.

JUVE also highlighted the close cooperation with the New York office and the new Denver office, as well as the team expansion in Vienna and the growth in venture capital/start-ups and real estate financing.

JUVE noted, that clients often turn to RPCK with “complicated and delicate” cases, recently including Scandinavian development banks on investments in Rwanda and Kenya or Yodel Talk on a €800,000 investment over Companisto.

Here is the full rating (German):

Juve Ranking Text

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